The Course

Ready to make your guitar sing with beautiful cascades of notes? Dive into the world of fingerstyle finesse with our beginner-focused music course, where we take the mystery out of mastering arpeggios in popular songs. You'll start with the fundamental techniques of arpeggiation—how to break chords into melodious sequences note by note. We'll guide you through basic patterns and hand positioning, ensuring a smooth learning curve. It's not just about practice but understanding the "why" and "how" that makes melodies resonate, setting the stage for you to infuse emotion and dynamics into your playing.

What's cooler than being the heart of a campfire sing-along or the soul of a cozy café performance? By the end of this course, you'll be able to embellish your favorite tunes with embellishments that add depth and character. You'll also get to apply your new skills in real-world scenarios, from jamming with friends to solo performances. We're talking about building a solid foundation that can open doors to advanced playing techniques and richer musical expression. So grab that guitar and get ready to add that special twang to any song, making it uniquely yours!

What you will learn

When I first designed this experience for new musicians like yourself, I wanted to ensure that it wasn't just another run-of-the-mill introduction. I focused on making each lesson bite-sized, digestible, and rich with practical examples to ensure you're getting hands-on practice from day one. It's structured to help you build a solid foundation, with careful step-by-step guidance to help you master the basics of finger placement and strumming patterns. By the end of it, you'll not just understand arpeggios; you'll be able to incorporate them seamlessly into your playing. I've made sure to pack it with all the tips and tricks I've learned over the years, so you get a head start. Trust me, it's like having a personal mentor guiding you through the world of beautiful, cascading notes!

Este curso está cerrado.

Your instructor

Desde mi infancia, he sentido una profunda conexión con la música; originalmente aspiraba a ser pintor, pero encontré mi verdadera pasión en las melodiosas formas de los arpegios. Aunque soy zurdo, he aprendido a tocar la guitarra con la destreza de un diestro, demostrando que las barreras convencionales pueden ser superadas con dedicación. Mi viaje personal por el mundo de la música me ha enseñado que la autenticidad y la emoción son esenciales para cualquier interpretación, una sabiduría que disfruto compartiendo con cada uno de mis estudiantes.

Entiendo la ansiedad de actuar bajo la lente de una cámara y empatico con los nervios que eso puede generar, sintiendo esa misma inquietud cada vez que me grabo. Esta experiencia me ha fortalecido como músico y como instructor. Deseo transmitirles a mis alumnos que cada minuto invertido en mejorar su técnica de arpegios contribuye al crecimiento personal y artístico. Al igual que ustedes, anhelo poder dedicar cada vez más tiempo a mi pasión y, aun lamentando no haber comenzado antes, celebro cada día de aprendizaje. Y recuerden, nunca es tarde para aprender y mejorar; así que mantengan esa toalla a la mano, porque después de cada práctica intensa, les aseguro, la necesitarán.


Domina las Bases de los Arpegios Musicales


Desarrolla Técnica y Precisión en Arpegios


Innovando en el Mundo de los Arpegios